Tres En Uno

Help Orphan Children in Need

Help provide access to medical care for children in Baja California, Norte

orphanages being served
0 +
children treated per month
dollars for one pediatric visit ($720 pesos)
dollars for one dental diagnostic ($900 pesos)
of budget goes toward services
0 %

*actual cost varies

Tres En Uno Foundation believes that every child deserves access to quality healthcare, regardless of their circumstances. With your generous support, we can make a meaningful impact on the lives of these vulnerable children. Please consider getting involved and helping us ensure the orphans of Baja California Norte receive the comprehensive medical and dental care they deserve.

“Tres En Uno” translates to “three in one” and refers to the fundamental concept of the Holy Trinity in Christian theology. It represents the inseparable relationship between God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This concept acknowledges that although they are distinct persons, they are united as one divine essence. Tres En Uno encapsulates the complex and mysterious nature of the divine unity within the Christian faith.

Tres En Uno

Our mission is to provide orphans in Baja California, Norte, with medical, dental, vision and psychological care at the most prominent pediatric facility in Tijuana, Hospital Infantil de las Californias.

Tres En Uno is a 501(c)(3) EIN 88-4399567

© 2023 Created by Jay Singh