Tres En Uno


Most frequent questions and answers

To provide orphans in Baja California Norte with medical, dental, vision and psychological care at the most prominent pediatric facility in Tijuana, Hospital Infantil de las Californias.

Tres En Uno has developed a partnership agreement with Hospital Infantil de las Californias to provide medical and dental services to over 20 orphanages in Baja California Norte.

There are over 20 orphanages that Tres En Uno supports, please see Our Work page

Yes, the services are provided for free, thanks to the support of the Board of Directors and generous donations. Click here to donate

Please visit our Contact page if you would like to get involved, or our Donate page to make a donation.

Yes, Tres En Uno is a 501(c)(3) EIN 88-4399567.

Please reach out to us on our Contact page and provide information in contact form as to what you are hoping to donate or how you would like to support us.

We hope to have an e-newsletter with updates quarterly. You can sign up at the bottom of the website, in the footer.

Currently $.98 out of every $1.00 donated is going directly to help the orphans by paying for medical and dental treatments.

Tres En Uno

Our mission is to provide orphans in Baja California, Norte, with medical, dental, vision and psychological care at the most prominent pediatric facility in Tijuana, Hospital Infantil de las Californias.

Tres En Uno is a 501(c)(3) EIN 88-4399567

© 2023 Created by Jay Singh